Where did Political Correctness come from? When we think about it, PC has not been around that long, indeed I don’t rememberer its existence 50 years ago.
It was only really after the end of the 2nd world war that Britain began to lead the way in departing from the law that had guided her for many hundreds of years – British Common Law, largely created in the period after the Norman ConQuest. Sir Francis Bacon long ago said, “”The Law of England is not taken out of Amadis de Gaul, nor the book of Palmerin, but out of the Scripture…”” I’m sure most of us can recognise the influence of the Ten Commandments upon our laws even to this day.
The equality of all people before the Law, for example, is another of its legacies, but the Bible’s influence upon society began to wane with the Theory of Evolution, and by the 1950’s the churches were on the decline, and even the laws of the land relating to property, marriage and sexual relations all came under criticism and eventually, change.
But the removal of respect for Biblical Law and the resultant changes brought more problems than had been imagined. It seemed that the replacement of biblical principles with ever more detailed acts of parliament brought unintended consequences. Too often the victims of crime were punished while the criminals went free, and child abuse, one parent families, juvenile crime and women’s refuges increased enormously, while all sorts of sexual deviations which could not contribute to society as did marriage, flaunted their pride.
Still worse, Britain’s power, prosperity and position in the world declined, while our deluded leaders led us into Europe and allowed ‘every man and his dog’ into the country unchecked, to satisfy their one world ambitions.
When we stand back and look over these years, we see the consequences of our departure from biblically originated Law, and if we have eyes to see, it is hard not to recognise it as a curse, so who has benefitted, in Britain and Britains ex-colonies around the world?
Only one is delighted at the success of his influence;
‘Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.’ New Living Translation. 2 Corinthians 4:4