Leaving God Out

In the last blog history revealed that Western Christian culture largely stems from our Israelite ancestry. God tells us that the world has developed according to His Plan, which included choosing ‘Israel’ (English speaking people) to carry the Bible to the nations. Deuteronomy 32:8, Acts 15:17,

‘When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.’

‘That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things.’

This they did, while colonising and building a great Empire.

Here in Australia, ‘missions’ brought many aboriginals to Christianity. Those who escaped from the negative aspects of their culture which had held them in the stone age for thousands of years, were able to gain the success the rest of the world had experienced.

Although atheist activists eventually persuaded politicians that the missions were evil, we see that many aboriginals who greatly benefitted from their education there, have begun to restore abandoned missions themselves, because they know that Western Christian culture freed them from the deleterious aspects of a pagan culture, and they want their children to be similarly advantaged.

Here is an example from Karalundi, on the Great Northern Road, WA:

“Karalundi has continued to serve the mission of the church. It has had its triumphs and challenges. Through it all, generations of young people have gained skills to guide them through life and an understanding of God’s saving love for them. The achievements of the school speak for themselves. Graduates are found in positions of trust and leadership all over the upper Murchison, Gascoyne, Mid-West, Pilbara, and Western Desert regions. These people have made a difference in their respective communities, and many of them declare that they have become what they are today because of the education they received at Karalundi.”

I doubt that these people are taken in by the smoking ceremonies, primitive dancing, and body painting the woke politicians swoon over, for they learned the ‘get up and go’ Western culture that has made this country what it is, not the easy, sit down culture it replaced.

The Prime Minister says that the “voice” is not about sovereignty, but already over 50% of our landmass has been handed back to aboriginals, when they are only 3.2% of our population. The chant, “always was, always is, and always will be,” rings in our ears, and the myth of the “romantic savage” does not go down well with corrupt, Toyota Land-cruiser driving bureaucrats, or sit down, grog-drinking, wife abusers.

We are being sold a recipe for disaster by a propagandising government determined to push their Godless, anti-democratic, apartheid promoting agenda upon us at whatever cost, using left-wing manipulation of the ABC and SBS. One can trace the evil right back through political correctness to its origin in Satan, at the Frankfurt School, in Germany, in the 1930’s, (See our article “Satan’s Political Correctness”) but that is what you get when a nation forgets the God who gave us our land equally, by birth, or by citizenship.

Only with the soon coming return of Jesus Christ, will justice and equity be established, and one biblical principle will ensure that those who own the land then, will be those who have earned it: ‘For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.’ 2 Thessalonians 3:10.

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