Tag Archives: Satan’s plan

The Dangerous Liberal Left

In a very interesting article in the Jerusalem Post, Maayan Hoffman came out with, maybe without realising it, some very Biblical truths,  quoting from Dr Michael D Evans at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference:      “The Liberal Left has convinced America and Israel [in fact the whole West] that the war on terror cannot be won through military action.” He went on to say that the liberals are “attempting to  fracture even our will to win,” the war on terrorism.

The Liberal Left tactic is better just to talk with people, since we are basically all the same and reasonable at heart, rather than  bring criminals to justice or stop them committing crimes.”

“The Liberal Left kills the soul. The terrorists kill the body,” he said.     “It is very important for you to fight…. the ideological terror war that exists.”  “It exists.”


This is essentially the message brought to us in the Bible.  We have chosen sin, helped along by Satan, and it is part of Satan’s plan to bring down the entire West, to undermine any concept of right and wrong, of good and evil,  so that we are simply left  with shades of grey to chose from.

Leviticus 26:18-19, ‘And if in spite of this you will not listen to me, then I will discipline you again sevenfold for your sins, and I will break the pride of your power, and I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like bronze.’ (Read the whole chapter to receive God’s warning)

The fact is that we are not all basically the same and reasonable at heart, because  the Koran differs from the Bible and preaches hatred and violence rather than love,  which is why its fruits are so bitter, why the jihadis delight to blow up  men, women and children, and expect to be rewarded  with 70 virgins in Paradise.

The result if we don’t fight, is what we see in Syria and the Moslem lands; a nightmare,  for Satan loves to see humans kill each other. No wonder half the Moslems try to flee to the Christian West!