Tag Archives: social engineering

Left’s Indoctrination

Christians everywhere should be very aware of the subtle indoctrination of the left and ‘greens’ in our classrooms, which amounts to social engineering that is undermining our culture and the innocence of our children.

Of course by now most parents are aware of the evil ‘safe schools’ programme in Australia which still threatens some high school students with its pro homosexual propaganda, but it is worthwhile keeping in touch with what your child is being taught, at all levels.

Recently there have been instances of plays pushing anti- Israel and anti-religion themes in schools, and petitions from classes against for example for example, child asylum seekers in detention. Victoria spends millions teaching ‘respectful relationships’ while New South Wales Education Department urges its teachers to ‘de-gender’ their classroom language and promote sexuality as ‘non-binary’.

All this while only 38% of Year 10 students could reach a proficient standard in the nationwide test on civics and citizenship, but were well informed about human rights and environmental protection! Only 52% of Australians aged 18-29 could agree that democracy is the best form of government . Could this be because less than 40% of High School Students understood the way our system of government works?

Christian parents everywhere should check up on what their children are being taught and support their parent- teacher meetings to make their views known. Failure to do this may make it very hard for parents to uphold the moral standards and values they wish to inculcate in their children, who are very receptive to what the school teaches, and what all their friends readily accept as the norm.

Identity politics, a victimhood culture and evil ‘human rights’ all threaten our independence, national identity and Christian standards, but are being introduced to children as the norm by left wing governments, and the conservative right wing is little better. No wonder some parents have chosen to send their children to independent non-state religious schools to avoid this left indoctrination.

‘And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.’  Jeremiah 9:5.