Angelic Realm
God made the angels as messengers and ministering spirits before He created the earth, Job 38:4-7.
Lucifer was one of God's chief archangels but he rebelled against God with one third of the angels he had corrupted, Isaiah 14:12-14. He became Satan - the adversary, and his fallen angels became demons. They were cast down to the earth and the most evil are still retained in chains, Jude 1:6
- The ceremony of water baptism is performed by immersion, for the forgiveness of sins, upon true repentance and acceptance of Christ's sacrifice. After this ceremony, and as a result, one receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. Baptism symbolises the renunciation of the past sinful way of life, the burial of the old man in a watery grave, and the emergence of the new, Spirit-led man living with Christ's mind and following in His footsteps.
- Matthew 3:13-16; Acts 2:38; Romans 6 :1-8; Colossians 2:12
- The Bible, except for mistranslations and several spurious additions we should guard against, is the divinely inspired word of God and contains His Plan of Salvation and the record of His participation in history. The Bible is the instruction manual which God provided with His product mankind, containing knowledge which man cannot discover for himself. It is the foundation of all knowledge, and the guidebook of life. The Old and New Testaments comprise God's written Word, which forms the basis of Christianity as taught by the church and as practiced by the Christian.
- Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; John 17:17; I Corinthians 2:7-11; 2 Timothy 3: 16-17; 2 Peter 1:20
The Christian
- A true Christian is one in whom the Holy Spirit dwells; a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ.
- Romans 8:9 ; 1 Corinthians 12:13